News: McLaren Speedtail marks the fastest brand


The McLaren Speedtail hypercar, introduced yesterday, accelerates from 0 to 300 km / h in 12.8 seconds. Finally, we, as an audience, can meet the newcomer.

The 106 lucky owners – despite the 2 million euros duty free, the model is already exhausted – were already possible. The McLaren Speedtail appears next to the Senna regular supercar of the Ultimate series. The limited edition Speedtail is the first of eighteen new derivative products announced this summer by the brand with the Track25 plan

The McLaren Speedtail is the ultimate street car McLaren. We see a reference to the McLaren F1 hypercar of the nineties, in the central position of the driver and the two passenger seats at an angle. The occupant cabin, like the Speedtail, has the shape of a tear. According to McLaren, this "fastest form of nature" ensures that the first contact with the ambient air is as smooth and trouble-free as possible, while the elongated "tail" reduces the airflow of the air. so that the turbulence is minimal.

The hybrid powertrain offers a combined power of 1,050 hp. With a curb weight of 1,430 kg, this allows an ultra-low sprint from 0 to 300 km / h in just 12.8 seconds. For this, the Velocity mode must be activated. This ensures, among other things, active aerodynamics and brings the Speedtail 35 mm closer to the asphalt. The supercar, or "hyper-GT", as the car itself calls it, has a top speed of 403 km / h.

McLaren Speedtail

Ultimate Series Director Andy Palmer says extreme rationalization and weight reduction at the Speedtail are just as important as in the case of the Senna. However, the newcomer was looking for a more elegant design and a "low resistance to air, dizzying acceleration and extreme speed". Next are specific design details such as static wheel covers. Finally, the Speedtail became narrower than the McLaren P1, but from head to tail more than half a meter higher: 5.14 meters.

Digital design played a major role in the development process. McLaren has not hesitated to use new materials. Among other things, the use of titanium in the process of weaving carbon fiber (for a sparkling chrome finish) and electrochromatic glass (to prevent sunlight from entering) can be found on the supercar. In the cabin, the driver has digital instrumentation that occupies most of the dashboard. The few "old-fashioned" buttons that the Speedtail still knows are found, like an airplane cockpit, on the ceiling. Ready for takeoff?

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