News preview: The government spends a billion dollars too much on ICT and the Netherlands on Trump with a video film


What has happened in recent hours? Quote reads, denotes and suddenly saw a reincarnation of Johan Cruyff.

Major government ICT projects are certainly costing 1 billion euros more than expected

We are angry about the abolition of tax on dividends. It costs 1.4 billion euros. Perhaps also pay attention to government ICT projects. Major ICT projects with the government are still taking much longer than expected and cost hundreds of millions of euros more than expected. The costs are on average exceeded by 36% and the loss is on average 37%. This is demonstrated by an analysis of the FD of 125 recent ICT projects in the central government with a budget of more than 5 million euros.

Startup of Medical Data Raises 5.3 Million Euros

Castor EDC, a start-up in medical data, raised 5.3 million euros. The financing round is led by the investment company Amsterdam INKEF Capital. The start-up wants to use the money for expansion in the United States. Castor EDC strives to make the results of medical research more accessible to all. According to the company, a lot of research data is no longer easily searchable by doctors and patients. A few years ago, the founder Derk Arts has developed a platform for storage and exchange of data from medical research. About 9,500 people now use the system, which contains more than 2,000 studies.

Oval Office Visit Ritual Dispute

The Oval Office of the White House is remarkably small, but intimidates immediately upon entry. The Oak Resolute Desk, which has been used as the presidential office since John F. Kennedy. The gold curtains that Bill Clinton used to have. The benches, a legacy of George Bush Sr. The sad look of the former presidents on the portraits on the wall.

For the US President himself, overseas visits are not very important, Gordon Adams said, as an employee. Bill Clinton organized these sessions. If a president wants something from another leader, it sounds right. A reception at the Oval Office rarely catches news in the United States. It's a gesture, nothing more. Mark Rutte arrives here today. Donald Trump will say that he is a loyal ally and tells him that he has to pay more to NATO. Rutte spits something and hopes for a concession. And will try – especially for the stage – to get something about MH17

The pressure is still on the visitor, never on the host, in the Holy of Holies of American politics. It is the place where almost all foreign leaders want to be seen. A visit to the Oval Office shows the inner front you are talking about and is counting on an international scale. "Class A" countries, loyal allies, sometimes get more than an hour. Right now, if you're lucky, you can do a pitch, and briefly explain what you want from the United States. Some think that we are going very far for a little attention. Or is it a nod to the film Lubach The Netherlands by Arjen?

Seehofer: Today at the table with Merkel to decide to stay

Today, it should be clear if Horst Seehofer actually retires as Minister of the Interior of Germany and if president of the CSU. He made this offer Sunday evening, after a lively discussion with his party on the proposals for a European migration policy. Angela Merkel came back with these plans after the EU summit in Brussels. The minister has already pointed out three possible scenarios at the closing party management meeting. The party can link and show his satisfaction with the European asylum agreement. According to Mr Seehofer, this would be to the detriment of the credibility of the CSU in Bavaria. A second possibility is to stay tough and, as announced, to start with the return of asylum seekers registered elsewhere in Europe. Or he can drop off his desk. Why he seems to want to choose the third option is not clear. According to Bild, he reportedly said he "no longer wants to take responsibility for this asylum policy."

Trump becomes a leftist populist neighbor

A political shift in Mexico. Leftist nationalist anti-establishment candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected new president by a large majority. Its profit comes from deep social discontent with the current political class and its deep corruption. AMLO promises to eradicate corruption, bring politicians and senior officials to their many privileges and make sure that it benefits them "from below." AMLO promises as president to make Mexico more self-sufficient and less dependent on rich North American neighbors. The question becomes what it will mean for the relationship with the United States, where the inconstant Donald Trump reigns. Both Trump and AMLO can be considered nationalist disrupters, who can sometimes respond primarily to external criticism. The US president congratulated his future colleague on Twitter: "I look forward to working with him."

Energy becomes more expensive

The costs of our energy bill for the transmission of electricity will increase explosively. According to De Telegraaf experts, the Netherlands has to invest billions in the electricity grid in the years to come. Because we use less gas and therefore much more power. The Vereniging Eigen Huis (National House of Owners) warns, after further research, for a frivolous transition from gas to electricity

Inspirator Counter-Thread Death

Good entrepreneurs are creative minds who grow against the masses. Art is sometimes a source of inspiration. Armando always thought differently than the rest. The artist Armando, a noted Cynar drinker, died Sunday at the age of 88. He died in the German city of Potsdam, where he was often for painting. He preferred to paint on his slippers, while in the background a radio sounded jazz or gypsy music. Not too early in the morning and preferably in a small studio with a view of the meadows or a residential area without meaning. In his daily life, Sunday is dead Armando (literally: "armored", pseudonym of Herman Dirk van Dodeweerd) the opposite of all that he has tried to evoke in his work: aggression, confrontation, vehemence .

Ajax Ajax sees the opportunity to bring Daley Blind to Amsterdam this summer. The Orange-National 45 times, after four years of Manchester United, said to be open to a return to ArenA. According to De Telegraaf, the management of Ajax is doing everything to make a transfer. The 28-year-old is still under contract with Manchester United until mid-2019, for which he played only seven Premier League matches last season. Modric reborn Cruijff Pezig, dribbler, insightful man and someone who does not like takes sanctions. Luka Modric is sometimes compared to Cruijff because of his appearance.

The Croatian, the brain of the national team, is a nerve-rack with the taking of penalties, just so Cruyff was also, except that one, then with Jesper Olsen (look for it). Croatia is in the quarter-finals of the World Cup after a thriller in which the elimination was threatened after a penalty missed by De Grote kleine Modric


Livestock feeding ForFarmers takes compound feeds in the Netherlands and Germany's animal feed and active fertilizer Maatman. The acquisition includes the customer portfolio, the sales team and the transportation activities. Maatman values ​​the acquisition at 7 million euros. Sixteen people work in the company. Last year, Maatman sold 114,000 tons of feed and fertilizer to poultry and cattle farmers. The production of food that Maatman provides to its customers has been outsourced to third parties, including ForFarmers.

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