NFON comes with platform independent cloud telephony


A cloud telephony provider comes with a new core product: Cloudya. According to the German company, the newly developed telephony solution combines simplicity, independence and reliability in an integrated user interface, independent of the platform and via a single login.

The solution provides accessibility anytime and anywhere: via the browser, the desktop app, the mobile app or the desk phone at the workplace. Hans Szymanski, CEO and CFO of NFON, says Cloudya is a new step towards an extended UCaaS offering.

Rapid growth of the cloud telephony market

The market for cloud telephony solutions in Europe is currently growing by 16% per year. There is expected to be 26 million cloud phone connections by 2022. This evolution is reinforced by the ever-increasing trend of mobile communication and the ever-changing work practices. These are things that NFON wants to support with Cloudya.

Cloudya is based on new Web technologies such as WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication). This means, for example, that updates from the entire Cloudya suite can be made more readily available, regardless of the browser, application or operating system. For the first time, NFON, with its own words, is also proposing a uniform European-wide pricing model with Cloudya.

The service will be available for Chrome from November 1, 2018. Until February 1, 2019, mobile apps for iOS (from 10.0) and Android (from 7.0) as well as desktop applications for MacOS (from 10.12) and Windows 10, including browser versions for Safari and Firefox, will be launched sequentially.

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