Niestern Sander Farmsum construction workers face off again for the good of CLA Metalektro


Farmsum – From Monday, October 22, the shipbuilders of Niestern Sander left Farmsum. They lay down their work for two days and join for the second time the long series of strikes involving thousands of metalworkers in the Netherlands. The unions are calling for a Metalektro CLA just for the future and providing for an annual salary increase of 3.5% with a minimum of 1,000 euros and good proposals to reconcile work and private life.

Albert Kuiper, director of FNV Metaal: "The men of Niestern Sander want to show that they want a new and good collective labor agreement for the metals industry and that's the way it works. that's why they stopped again. With a guaranteed wage increase. But instead of proposing solutions, employers present a salary increase without security in their final offer. Because they want companies to pay without the influence of unions as part of the salary increase, then give less or no increases. This offers zero security and zero progress for shipbuilders. So, as long as employers do not respond to union demands, strikes continue everywhere in the Netherlands. "

Part of the unions' demands is also a generation pact, so that young people hold a permanent job in the sector, while older people reach the finish line and be able to transfer their knowledge. flexibilisation must also cease and the conditions of remuneration and employment of permanent and temporary employees must be the same.

The cao Metalektro applies to about 150,000 employees of large metal, such as shipyards, Various companies from VDL, Stork, ASML, Fokker, DAF, Siemens and Scania Royal Niestern Sander is a shipyard with 150 employees at Farmsum

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