Nintendo Switch could offer a YouTube app this week


An ingenious device full of fantastic games, but without the most basic range of popular applications. The Nintendo Switch has been doing this for a year and a half without popular software such as Netflix, YouTube and Twitch, but that could change very soon. At least with regard to the YouTube video streaming platform

Rumors about this caliber software for Nintendo Switch have been in use for almost a year now, but so far they have never won a lot of credibility. Now, it's Nintendo itself (probably by accident) contributing to a rumor a little more known in the world.

Switch users recently noticed that YouTube was not in the US Nintendo eShop, but that its website and app is making suggestions for an upcoming app. According to this suggestion, a YouTube app should appear as early as November 8th.

Up to now, only Niconico in Japan and Hulu in the United States have launched their entertainment service on the Nintendo. Switch; Both very localized applications, where YouTube represents a gigantic and global market.

It's hard to understand why it takes so long for this kind of basic applications to access the Nintendo console, especially when the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U have implemented them quite quickly. Nintendo has never made any official statement about it.

According to a Netflix spokesperson, Nintendo has always paid attention to streaming video on console. the focus should be on games first, with other entertainment as a secondary thought. By the way, American Hulu once admitted that streaming video was just not possible on the camera for a long time because the video encoding capabilities were locked.

Nintendo itself has not yet reacted to rumors about a YouTube application on the Internet. Change, but an appearance in his own eShop can already talk volumes. The question now is whether November 8 is also a date that will apply to European Nintendo switches. Of course, you'll find out more about it here on Gamersnet.

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