Nintendo Switch sales doubled after the E3 | News


Gamestop Vice President of Merchandising Eric Bright states in an interview with GameIndustry that since the E3, the Nintendo Switch has been sold twice to Gamestop stores. In addition, he discusses the cycles in which games are released and their influence on sales.

As a cause of doubling, the vice president receives announcements from the E3. Bright says: "Nothing defeats the Nintendo ads Super Smash Bros. is at the top of the list by order We also have a big reaction to Pokémon Let's Go (both versions) and then there are people who have also the controller Pokéball on the head. "

Just before the E3, the value of Nintendo's stock had suddenly dropped . Analysts said it was probably because Nintendo did not have a development process to support investors and if Nintendo's infrastructure is ready to facilitate online gaming.

Nintendo made statements about this decline . ] The former Nintendo leader Tatsumi Kimishima said that the company is still waiting to sell 20 million Nintendo switches before the end of this year

  Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In addition to Switch sales, Bright also announces that pre-orders for Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption are good, especially since Red Dead Redemption seems to have an influence on how other games have their release date. . plans. According to Bright, other games want to avoid the release of the cowboy game. He also mentions the reason:

"What is also part of this is that publishers have long since admitted that they are coming out near the holiday season, especially black friday, they are not well placed to make important promotions. "

According to Bright, games also become more common when they are completed rather than at a strategic moment. This is due to longer production cycles and also explains why more and more games are coming out in the first quarter, instead of a launch shortly before Christmas.

Although this makes the broadcast of games more important, it is a major problem for video game shops. Although the storm is at Christmas and many were sold last year at the beginning of the year, there are not many big games on the market in the summer.

The next big game according to Bright is Spider-Man, which is only in stores in September. Bright hopes developers will release their releases throughout the year in the future.

In addition, he makes the following observation: "Consumer pay in June does not really differ from salary in November and we like to see regular deliveries of content throughout the period."


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