North Korea still active on missile bases, US think-tank


A US think tank said in a report that North Korea still has 13 to 20 missile bases, where ballistic missiles can be produced. The Center for Strategic and International Studies still identifies the activities on the bases, despite negotiations on the dismantling of the North Korean nuclear program.

Nuclear warheads can be installed on ballistic missiles for long and medium distances.

According to the Washington-based research institute, North Korea's activities run counter to the spirit of the first five months between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Difficult agreements on nuclear disarmament were not concluded at that time.

Immediately after the Panmumjom summit, Trump wrote on Twitter " that there was no more nuclear threat from North Norea".


The think tank concludes that after the summit between Trump and Kim, it has gone almost nothing and that the North Korean threat has not diminished.

North Korea declared that its nuclear program was about to be completed and stopped testing missiles that could be equipped with a nuclear warhead, but a formal declaration from North Korea on the end of the nuclear program. is not here yet.

South Korea does not seem to dwell so much on the US report. He points out that the existence of these bases in North Korea is no secret, even if they are in impenetrable territory

US Vice President Pence and Japanese Prime Minister Abe today declared In Tokyo that the need for sanctions still existed. bring North Korea to denuclearization.

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