NS opens its first tap in the battle against plastic waste


In collaboration with the North-Holland Drinking Water Corporation, PWM, Nova Scotia opened the first water tap at Alkmaar Station this morning. The intention is that many of these free water taps will soon be added to stations throughout the Netherlands.

NS wants to prevent the sale of plastic drinking water polluting the environment with water points. "The opening of Alkmaar station is the first step towards free drinking water in all our resorts, and we hope that municipalities and drinking water distribution companies will help us to make this is possible in all the Netherlands, "says Irma Winkenius of NS against NH News. 19659003] Healthy and Environmentally Friendly

"Drinking tap water, it's healthy and environmentally friendly." For a number of years, trains have been running entirely on wind energy. Thanks to the faucets, we now hope to reduce the waste of plastic bottles. "19659002] It is expected that there will be water faucets by the end of next year in 200 stations in the Netherlands This means that about 90% of train passengers in the Netherlands are served.More than 3 million euros will be available for maintenance over the next ten years. it freezes, the water faucets are temporarily closed.

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