Odfjell could have to pay all the damage caused by the oil leaks in Rotterdam


The Norwegian owner Odfjell, of the oil tanker who caused a major oil spill in the port of Rotterdam in June, may have to make full compensation for the damage. Court dismissed owner's request to limit ship's liability

Tanker Bow Jubail struck a jetty at the third Petroleumhaven due to a steering error. 200 tons of fuel oil were found in the water. The economic damage was significant and hundreds of birds were smeared and died. The total damage is estimated at 80 million euros, writes RTV Rijnmond

empty or complete

. The port authority blamed Odfjell shortly after the collision. The Norwegian company declares that it is only partially responsible for the fact that the ship did not carry oil. The oil spill was the fuel of the tanker.

The judge ruled today that Odfjell had not sufficiently proved that the tanker was empty at the time of the collision. It is not clear if the company must also repair the entire injury.

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