Ondernemingskamer talks about troubles at Eneco


Eneco employees will hear Wednesday how the Chamber of Commerce of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal is pondering the troubles within the company. Around noon, the judge makes a decision in a dispute between the company (or) committee of Eneco and the top of the energy company.

From where wants to get rid of three commissioners and so has a case. According to the employees, the supervisory board would have acted carelessly about the departure of CEO Jeroen de Haas. Staff representatives even say that there is a culture of fear at the top of Eneco, to which the supervisory board would be guilty.

Eneco believes that the commissioners have done nothing wrong. And that he regrets the situation

Live streaming

The pronunciation is broadcast live on the internet. It's special. it is the first statement ever released by the Dutch justice itself. The Judicial Council wants to give the general public a better idea of ​​how judges work. The June session could also be followed live. At that time, more than 2700 people watched rechtspraak.nl

This has been difficult for a while at Eneco. Municipalities that own shares in the company want to sell it. Eneco will be in the window of the end of this year. The Hague holds a 16.55% stake in the energy company and is therefore a major shareholder in Rotterdam and Dordrecht.

Against the sale

The previous city council voted against the sale of the shares. The current coalition wants to use the proceeds of the actions to invest in sustainability projects, energy transition plans and accessibility.


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