Opinion Poll of Maurice de Hond: Forum for Democracy Can Still Make Progress


If we look closely at the current electoral position of the FVD, we can say that further growth is possible because many of the remaining PVV electors give the FVD a chance to vote. As many as 85% of all PVP voters starting in 2017 indicate that they are now voting for the FVD or giving this party a chance to vote.

The FVD clearly won the VVD during and after the election campaign. But the extra chances that the FVD wins on the VVD are significantly smaller than on the PVV. This does not mean, however, that the VVD is withdrawing from the danger zone, as the proportion of VVD voters who now indicate giving the CDA a chance to vote is increasing sharply. This seems to be related to the growing popularity of the CDA ministers (Hoekstra, De Jonge, Grapperhaus), while those of the VVD score much lower (Dekker, Wiebes and certainly Rutte).

week when the FVD and CDA 1 seats rise and the VVD and PVV 1 seats go down. As a result, the FVD now has 6 seats ahead of the VVD.
In the notable absence of polling stations from other agencies and late – as usual – behind the voting guide (the VVD is still at 17% and the FVD at 9%). abroad in a period of exciting electoral changes, we have today presented a separate report. (pdf) We examine more closely the relationship between voting behavior on March 20th and two crucial variables

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