Passengers angered Ryanair after losing cabin pressure: "It's outrageous"


Ryanair passengers who had to stop unexpectedly because of the pressure loss in the cabin are not satisfied with the way the airline handled them. "Nobody reassured us."

The plane was en route from Dublin to the Croatian coastal town of Zadar. Above Germany, the cabin pressure was gone and the pilot had to stop over in Frankfurt. Before that the plane had to go down in 11 minutes from 11 kilometers first.


This was not really communicated on board, says Sarah McGarry at the Irish Times. "We flew and suddenly the oxygen masks came down and we did not hear for fifteen minutes what was going on." Nobody reassured us, there was only "urgency, urgency!" and that with a baby and children on board. "

Another passenger said that it was" really scary. "" During the few minutes that the plane fell, which seemed to take hours, I really thought we were there, the people bleeding when we landed. "

In the 39 Darkness

Once on the ground, things do not get much better. "McGarry says that as she talks to the newspaper, she's been sitting on a concrete floor for eleven hours." The only thing that I I have to eat is a croissant and a cup of coffee for the good that we have received, all I have to buy myself. "[19659006] People start to sleep in the ground because of #Ryanair

– Minerva Galvan (@Maingd) July 13, 2018

His friend calls the way Ryanair treated them as "scandalous". "I know these things happen, but what really has struck me is the lack of insurance from the airline, they left us in the dark."

Not understood

Conor Brennan was one of the passengers at the airport. the hospital was brought after the rapid landing. He had to wait over an hour before a doctor examined him at the airport and another hour before he took a bus to take him with him. Others at the hospital.

"The Ryanair crew barely noticed, when they were there, the Red Cross and the airport staff did their best to help us." Ryanair has shown a shocking lack of understanding for their customers. "

Replacement flight

According to the company itself, there was not much." The plane landed normally and a small number of passengers made the trip. The guests received vouchers for food and beverages and were offered a stay at the hotel.However, there was a shortage of hotel rooms. passengers may take a replacement flight for Zader and we apologize for the inconvenience. "

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