Paul de Leeuw said no to the English version Ranking the Stars | Now


Paul de Leeuw, who until recently was the presenter of the popular television show Ranking the Stars was also asked to make a trial version of the program in England. However, the presenter decided not to respond to this request.

In a conversation with NRC De Leeuw says that television producers from London flew to the Netherlands to see him in action. "It's originally an Asian format, it does not work anywhere in the world except in the Netherlands, thanks to the presenter," said a 56-year-old television director, who had announced in June that he was about to move from the public channel to RTL.

the end: how many writers are here, but almost everything is spontaneous, when they said: do not you want to do a test program in England? "

De Leeuw said" with his silly head no "." Because I do not speak English. "Now, I think: what am I a dick, I would have when even had to do it? "

The presenter, who will be shown for the first time in December after his transfer to RTL his annual broadcast Sinterklaas Sint and De Leeuw calls Ranking the Stars "a questionable program". "But fantastic to do, I never look back, you must be incredibly clear in your head, I never drink, at most after the second or third admission, but you also see that."

Young people find De Leeuw too coarse

According to De Leeuw, a positive aspect of Ranking the Stars is that young people go to He also noticed that young people were visiting his theater show Vette Pech which is probably also fueled by the program. "They do not like rudeness," he says about this target group. "They complain conclusion:" It's a lot about sex. "Young people are more cautious."

It is not yet known if Ranking the Stars will be followed by a public broadcaster with another presenter, Richard Groenendijk and Patty Brard, candidates for several seasons, said can not be reinstated in the program if a new season arrives.

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