Philips plans to leave the UK the hard way Brexit | NOW


Van Houten mentions a Brexit so strong, in which the European Union and the British do not make good agreements on the access to each other's markets a "serious threat to the competitiveness of our British sites ".

Philips, which employs some 1,500 employees in the UK, is not the first company to seek clarification on the upcoming Brexit and warns of the consequences of a fighting separation. Jaguar Land Rover, Airbus and BMW have already preceded Philips

For the Dutch electronics group, the hard Brexit is one of the options taken into account. "We have to make plans for the worst case scenario," says Van Houten.


Philips has a factory where juvenile products are made in England, for example, if the UK is no longer part of a customs union with Because the British have opted for a Brexit in a referendum, Philips is already struggling with the pound sterling.

Even though Philips no longer manufactures products in Britain. Britain, the company is still active in the UK market, according to Van Houten, Philips remains "committed to our current and potential customers" in the country.

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