Piet Paulusma about the winter: It can be -20 & # 39;


Get ready, Piet Paulusma predicts a winter of horror. Next winter, there will be one of the extremes with a lot of nuisances caused by frost and frost, we expect the Frisian meteorologist to be seen every day on SBS6. its traditional winter forecasts. Then there is a month of quail during which all types of possible winter weather pass: sleet, snow, storm and frost. The month of February can then provide "a heavy winter cold". He expects the lowest temperature to reach -20.

Paulusma also thinks we can skate on natural ice this winter. "And then for a longer period than two or three days, and maybe more than one period."


Paulusma also has good news for snow enthusiasts. "J & # 39 expect a white world more than once, total precipitation in this winter will be normal or above normal. "

Although it is a temporary winter forecast , Piet Paulusma's final winter expectations appear on December 1st.

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