Playdead leaves the 2D design of Limbo and Inside for new games


We of course know the Danish studio Playdead as a developer of Limbo and Inside. Both games had their own style and a 2D perspective. The games were both a great success, but the developer takes a different turn for a new game, but not announced.

Up to now, the new Playdead game was unknown. The studio shared an image earlier this year, but that did not matter. Arnt Jensen, the co-founder of Playdead, gave more information in an interview and he shared some interesting details.

Jensen announced that the new game studio was moving away from 2D designs of Limbo and Inside. The new game is a third person game bigger and more open than the two previous Playdead titles. Jensen said he was now ready for the limitations of a 2D game and that the developer was taking on a new challenge that way.

In addition, Jensen said the new game was a sci-fi adventure. The game must convey the same feeling as Limbo and Inside, so that players in both games know what to expect in terms of atmosphere.

There is not available at the moment any further information on the new Playdead game. When the game is announced, we will of course keep you informed.

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