Police make a new offer in collective bargaining


Minister Ferdinand Grapperhaus (Justice and Security, CDA) and police chief Erik Akerboom Monday made a new proposal for a collective labor agreement for police unions. In a letter addressed to all 65,000 police officers, the men propose a salary increase and a single payment of 500 euros.

The unions previously demanded a salary increase of 3.5% per year. Grapperhaus and Akerboom now offer 3% in 2018, 2% in 2019 and 2% in 2020. Another important point for the unions is the reduction of the workload. This became higher because of the reorganizations after the hasty introduction of the National Police.

Heavy Labor Pressure

Since then, the military has been struggling with a high workload and increasing absenteeism. They therefore need better working conditions and retirement. That the unions are satisfied with the current offer of Grapperhaus and Akerboom, must prove itself.

According to the current proposal, agents have more influence over lists and things like tuition and savings, promise Grapperhaus and Akerboom. Police hope to break the stalemate in collective bargaining.

Unions study proposal

Jan Struijs, president of the National Association of Police, confirms that he received the letter. He says he's studying the content and will probably come back Monday with an answer later. Struijs says that he is surprised that the letter has already arrived, because it was agreed that an offer would only be made on Wednesday.

"I understand that a lot of pressure has been exerted by the department.The last thing you want is more agitation.Everyone knows that there is a lot of impatience among the six years ago, it had been promised that the work situation would improve, and that has not yet happened. "


To reinforce their collective agreement, the police took action this month. Police unions have called on their supporters to stop granting bonuses for minor offenses as early as the beginning of July. Three years ago, the campaign resulted in a new collective labor agreement. During these months, a demonstration was protested, police stations were closed and agents refused to organize risky football matches.

Finally, the then Minister of Justice attacked Ard van der Steur (VVD). He signed a collective agreement with the unions with a salary increase of 6.5 percent over three years and a single premium of one thousand euros.

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