Porn star Stormy Daniels demands divorce NOW


This writes TMZ Monday. "My client Stormy Daniels and her husband Glen have decided to end their marriage, where the daughter of Stormy remains their top priority," says lawyer Michael Avenatti

The divorce documents also show that Crain has asked the ban on the streets. . The reason for this is not yet known.

Crain, who previously worked as director of various pornographic actors, married Daniels in 2015. Since the actress released her claims against Trump, the couple has rarely been seen in public.

More than a week ago, Daniels was arrested in a strip club because she allegedly touched someone while performing at a strip club . Employees of strip clubs that are completely or partially naked are not allowed to touch or touch customers in Ohio. The indictment then expired because Daniels was a guest dancer and this policy only applies to dancers who regularly appear in the club.

According to the police report that was made after the arrest, it seemed that Daniels was no longer with Crain, because she answered "no" to the question to know if she is married.


Daniels, who travels with a show across the United States, claims to have had sex with Trump in 2006, when he was already with his current wife Melania married. The president denies this case. Daniels sued Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen.

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