PostNL increases its prices: stamp next year 4 cents more expensive


The increase is in the range that the company has received from the ACM regulator. PostNL was allowed to raise the price by 14.2%, which would have resulted in an increase of 11 cents. The 4 cents were converted into an increase of less than 5%.

Herna Verhagen, CEO of PostNL, promised in August that the company would not use all the space that the Authority for Consumers and Markets granted them.

19659004] The basic rate for letters abroad is 1.45 euro or 1.40 euro. The rate for the stamp code remains 0.83 euro. When franking with a postage meter, the rate goes from 0.77 to 0.81.

"It is necessary to slightly increase the price of the stamp so that the mail remains reliable, accessible and affordable for all the Netherlands," said Resi. Becker, director of Mail Netherlands in a press release

Seal of December

The December stamp also costs 0.05 euro less than the regular stamp of 2018, PostNL continues to report 0.78 euro for mail The December stamps will be available from November 5th.

The Market and Consumer Control Authority (ACM) determines each year the percentage increase in base rate rates for postal services. Increase the percentage

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