President Trump praises the Italian attitude towards migrants by boat NOW


Trump said that at a press conference at the White House. According to Trump, Conte's visit to the White House is dominated by immigration.

The US president said that he was behind Italy when it comes to "migration, illegal immigration and legal immigration". "In my opinion, he is doing the right thing," according to Trump

Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, is one of the champions of the Italian fight against refugees by boat. He wants to keep the borders closed for migrants who reach Italy via humanitarian organizations

Human smuggling

According to Salvini, humanitarian organizations are guilty of trafficking in human beings. In addition, according to him, Italy has to bear too many loads of boat refugees reaching the European coast. He wants a more equitable distribution of refugees across Europe.

Ships of aid organizations that want to moor in Italian coastal cities have been refused by Italy in recent months. According to Salvini, several ships were the first in the waters of Malta, which means that the country must host refugees, he thinks.

Salvini also thinks that the Libyan Coast Guard should take drowns if they are still in Libyan waters. Nowadays, it is still too often that boats navigating in water are taken over by humanitarian organizations.


Trump also acts against illegal immigrants entering Mexico from the United States . In order to stop these refugees, Trump wants to build a wall on the border between Mexico and the United States.

Trump considers migrants who have illegally set foot on American soil as criminals. This is why migrant children are separated from their parents when they are arrested in the United States. There was a lot of criticism from the international community, but also from the Republican Party itself.

Therefore, in June, Trump signed a decree that should prevent the separation of migrant children from their parents. Earlier, he said that divorce from children and their parents was necessary to prevent the United States from becoming a "migrant camp".


Since 2014, more than 650,000 migrants have reached Italian shores. The number of refugees attempting to reach Europe via the Mediterranean Sea decreased by half in the first half of 2018 compared to the previous year. That's what figures show the International Organization for Migration ( IOM)

In Italy, the decline is even more pronounced, said a spokesman for the I & # 39; IOM early July. In the first half of 2018, the number of refugees has dropped by 80% compared to the first half of 2017. According to the IOM, this number is still falling

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