Protest in Rabat against Rif militants' prison sentences


In the Moroccan capital of Rabat, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets on Sunday to protest the prison sentences received by leaders of the Rif demonstrations. That's what Reuters writes Sunday. About 40 prominent members of the Rif movement are serving twenty years of imprisonment because they participated in the organization of demonstrations against the subordination of the Rif region to northern Morocco

Protesters wore banners containing texts such as "Lange leve het Rif" and "Liberty, dignity and justice". Relatives of the convicts had called for protest march, including left-wing parties, human rights organizations and radical fundamentalist movement Al-Adl Wal-Ihsan. According to activists, there were at least 30,000 people on the leg

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One of Rif's most prominent activists, Nasser Zafzafi, sentenced to 20 years in prison for violating public order and attacking national unity. Zafzafi's mother, who participated in the protest march on Sunday, said "continue to protest until our sons are released." In early July, Zafzafi's lawyer has already informed [NRC that the 39-year-old activist would appeal. Initially, he refused, because he did not want to cooperate with the non-independent judicial process.

"Too Little Invested"

The Rif protests came in 2016 when a fish vendor approached the Rif Mountains in a garbage truck. life has come. He demonstrated against the congregation that confiscated his property. Subsequently, the students mainly entered the streets of the port city of Al-Hoceima, to demonstrate against the abuse of power and the oppression of the predominantly Berber population by the l 39; Moroccan state.

The protests led to a wider movement that required better health care and education for the Rif region of northern Morocco. Protesters believe the government is investing too little in the region.

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