Provincial Director Plans BAM Business Interests


The man hired by the province of Utrecht to carry out the construction of Uithoflijn conceals its commercial ties with BAM. This Rob Brugts did not indicate to the province that he had any shares in BAM, the builder of the tram line, nor that one of his trading partners on behalf of BAM was on the line .

This is contrary to the rules on the integrity of public servants, conclude researchers at the Integis agency, who, on behalf of the province of Utrecht, have investigated a possible conflict over the years. interests in the construction of the Uithof line. MPs Mariëtte Pennarts-Pouw (GroenLinks) and Dennis Straat (VVD) presented the summary of the conclusions – the whole report remains secret – to the Provinciehuis.

The report concerned the replacement, at the end of 2016, of one of the project directors of the tramway line by Brugts, a former BAM advisor. The timeless project manager kept the construction company informed of the planning and budget of the eight-kilometer long tram line connecting Utrecht Station to the university campus. But Brugts opted for a closer collaboration with BAM. He also said that he was standing in the construction hut to recover his shares in the construction company, according to the reporter. More than a year later, it was clear that the line would cost 84 million more euros and could be used a year and a half later.

The province tried to hide the report. When it was unearthed early this year via NRC Utrecht was in conflict with the EY accountant. He knew nothing about it and refused to approve the financial statements of the province until the matter was settled.

Research sometimes proved difficult, according to Integis' overview. For example, there were no good reports of discussions about critical consultations and the quality of what was going on. "The accuracy and completeness" of the reports, particularly those of "consultations with BAM's board of directors in particular," are "not guaranteed," the researchers write.

The crucial people have not been heard either. NRC reported this week that the director did not want to talk to Integis because of the silence clauses of the agreement he had reached with the province.

Read also: The most expensive section of the tramway in the Netherlands

In retrospect

Researchers criticize more. The file that was supposed to justify the sudden dismissal of the project manager turned out to have been created afterwards. It also turned out that BAM had the right to do more work for a price which was determined only subsequently, and that additional jobs for BAM were approved by Brugts and his boss, while it was the task of the MP and the alderman.

Nevertheless, the main conclusion is that no concrete indication of a direct conflict of interest has been found. Side note: According to Integis, it is not possible to know how expensive Uithoflijn would have been if the strict project manager had not been dismissed suddenly.

The deputies declare that they want to draw "lessons" from the Provinciehuis report. But above all they were relieved. Dennis Straat, Vice President: "The provincial director did not act in his interest nor in the interest of BAM."

The question now is whether the EY accountant wishes to approve the annual accounts with this report. It will also depend on the results of Randstedelijke's investigations in Utrechtse Rekenkamers, which should take place at the beginning of December. United States member Arne Schaddelee (CU), who is in charge of Uithoflijn, has many questions about the Integis report. "Crucial sources are not spoken, documents are missing, and why should we do it with a summary, while the whole report is secret?"

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