"Public transport poses problems of ban burka"


State-owned enterprises worry about the implementation of the upcoming ban on burqas. Royal Dutch Transport (KNV) raises practical problems by refusing people wearing clothes covering the face

"We depend on the police to enforce the laws," said secretary Arjan Vaandrager against AD. "When the police do not show up, it can affect the security of public relations staff."

The KNV's concerns follow a statement by Femke Halsema, Mayor of Amsterdam. He said that execution was not a priority because other cases were priorities. Utrecht and Rotterdam also indicated that the burqa ban was not high on the list.


The government wants the ban on transport, schools and care facilities, as of July 1, 2019. According to the KNV, there is a big difference between public transport and public transport. other public institutions.

"Schools and hospitals are buildings where there are always porters or concierges on site who can act," says Vaandrager. "But in public transport, you have to manage the movement of buses, trains and trams, it is difficult to stop the vehicles."


The FNV understands the concerns of carriers. The union is of the opinion that it is not up to the drivers to maintain the ban on the burqa. "They are there to transport people from A to B. Talking to someone not having a ticket is very different, it's about your job as a carrier," spokesman Ron Sinnige told AD . "The ban on the burqa has nothing to do with it."

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