Quarrel between Trump and CNN: What's wrong?


Trump reacted. He regularly attacked the channel on Twitter: Fake News Return to an honest report Fake News CNN A fraud on the American public CNN News Fraud . Trump also shared a video in which he struggled with the CNN logo. At rallies, "CNN sucks" was regularly scanned and journalists were booed.

Trump also regularly watched CNN reporter Jim Acosta. "You do not do it, I will not answer your question, you are a false news," he told him at his first press conference.


According to Hassler-Forest, Acosta does not have to complain about this treatment. "This gives CNN legitimacy and status.More Trump often says that CNN is a fake news, plus they can say that they bring the truth."

Hassler-Forest sees last week's altercation in this perspective. "Jim Acosta has seen a chance as a skilled journalist," he says. "He saw the moment as a good media moment: it goes well on television, so I go on, it's a world story, he's thrown into it, he's a star, he can enjoy it for years to come Symbiosis back. "


" I think it's a very cynical view of journalism, "says Sara Polak. The university professor, American Studies at the University of Leiden, thinks that Acosta was truly frustrated by Trump. "If you have this frame as two handles facing each other, you will devalue the basic journalistic principles defended by CNN and Acosta."

She admits that Acosta is accused of armed behavior, but served a purpose greater than just her popularity or rank. "He also sees himself as the watchdog of politics, which has always had significant value in the American system: Acosta may be vain, but Trump no less, and he also wants to distract from the attention of his inhuman policy and implicitly allow racism. "

Kwakijker thinks that Polak is the reason why this story dominates the news. "It's the riot of the day." Trump knows how to dominate the news with flying colors, which is not good for a picture of journalism so honest and committed to the truth. "Trump and his staff keep the press on a sausage, and we always answer it."

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