Queen Elizabeth beats all her family | Entertainment


The Queen only attended the party to a limited extent. She went to the reconnaissance service at Westminster Abbey, gave a new standard to the Air Force on the Buckingham Palace forecourt and observed the spectacular "parade" From the balcony of the palace, surrounded by 17 members of his family

A speech at the delivery of the banner to the role of the Royal Air Force – whose foundation in 1918 was approved by his grandfather George V – played during the "Battle of England" during the Second World War. She herself has close ties with the Air Force: her father, her husband, her son Charles and his grandson William served there .

Elizabeth Guard ]

While the Queen later reigned, as did the wife of Williams Catherine who had interrupted her maternity leave especially for the ceremonies, the rest of the family invaded Buckingham Palace and Horse Guards. Parade for a reception and a demonstration of equipment. Charles, Andrew, William and Harry with Camilla and Meghan remained in the palace, while the other members of the family are went to see take the end of the Mall.

Here too, everyone had their own mission. For example, Kent's Prince Michael with his wife, viewed specially designed aircraft, while Princess Anne and her husband Timothy Laurence were flown to helicopters and Prince Edward and Sophie visited the scientific and technological presentation. Together, the company watched the arrival of an essay in honor of the jubilee of the Air Force

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