& quot; Upscaling for Schiphol power failure happened too late & quot;


In the event of a major power outage that hit Schiphol at the end of April, the agencies had to develop earlier. The parties concerned, such as the airport and the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, also did not communicate well with each other, which prevented an adequate response to the logistical crisis that occurred. . This is demonstrated by an independent evaluation of the Institute for Security and Crisis Management (TOC).

Learn more about the incident: How a "drop in power of nothing" put Schiphol as a whole

It recently appeared that the Schiphol emergency power supply Did not work well during the April 29 power outage, which caused great chaos at the airport. As a result, the recording systems did not work for hours and dozens of flights failed. Thousands of passengers could not leave, and the Maréchaussée decided to close the access roads and the train station because of the crowd.

"Precarious situation"

One of the problems was that the personnel needed to receive and manage the flow of passengers could not come to Schiphol. Nevertheless, the municipality concludes in a letter: "The officials involved have done what is necessary in exceptional circumstances, from an uncertain situation".

The findings of the assessment commissioned by Schiphol, the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, the Kennemerland Security Region and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police must therefore be considered primarily as learning points, says the municipality. TNO is expected to arrive at the end of the summer with a final report on the incident

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