Rabo Wallet now also available for iPhone, with restrictions


Rabobank has released an iOS version of its Rabo Wallet app. The application was available for Android for a long time, but not enough for iOS. Now this has changed and iPhone users also have access to the Rabo Wallet app. There are, however, some important limitations.

The main limitation is that contactless payment with your iPhone is not yet possible because the iOS app still does not have access to the iPhone's NFC chip. This is necessary to pay without contact.

Rabo Wallet for iPhone: Functions and Limitations

The application can be used to quickly check your balance and the most recent transactions. Payment requests can also be created and the application can be used to pay for parking. QR code scanning for iDEAL will be added in an upcoming update.

These are all features that we believe should have been part of the Rabobank application for a long time.

  rabo wallet iphone
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No support for mobile payment

According to the bank, the application was chosen without application. provide mobile payment support to give iOS users access to payment requests and digital customer cards. That mobile payment with the iPhone is possible in the future is anything but certain. For this, Apple must open the NFC chip, which seems unlikely.

Downloading and using the Rabo wallet is free for the first six months. Subsequently, the Rabo wallet costs € 0.50 per month. The Rabo Wallet is free for young people from 16 to 18 years old and / or customers benefiting from a Rabo student package.

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