Rammstein will play De Kuip in June Entertainment


This is also the first time that the entire European tour of 27 concerts consists of shows in stadiums. Rammstein was on Pinkpop in 2016.

Rammstein is known for such hits as Du Hast, Ich Will and Sound . The Germans make a mix of hard guitar music with rhythmic percussion and techno melodies from synthesizers. So you can do both music and dance. The Rammstein shows always offer a visual spectacle: it can happen, from chainsaws to flame throwers, to the musicians who parade in the air,

The guitarist Paul Landers said in an interview that album the band does not record any more individually, but that everyone enters the studio at the same time. The group also shared a photo of recordings with a choir and orchestra of the Belarussian community of Minsk. The successor of the 2009 album Liebe Ist Für Alle Da is scheduled for spring 2019.

Ticket sales begin Thursday.

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