Recognition of faces Amazon names senators as a criminal


In order to show that Amazon's facial recognition software is not accurate enough, the American Civil Liberties Union Civil Rights Organization (ACLU) has applied it by comparing the photos of US Congress members with a police database. It turned out that 28 members of Congress were linked to a criminal photo with a minimum security of 80%. Who reports the Reuters news agency

Before the test, ACLU paid only $ 12.33 to Amazon to perform the analysis. The organization is protesting against the fact that Amazon sells software called Rekognition to governments. US police in Oregon and Florida also use it. Earlier, Microsoft President Brad Smith spoke about the possibility of regulating this type of software.

Letter to Bezos

Three senators who were named criminals sent a letter to Jeff Bezos, the boss of Amazon and the richest man in the world. Amazon has nothing to do with protest. "We remain excited about how image and video analysis can be a driver of a better world," according to a Reuters spokesman.

In addition, the company says that a certainty of 80% is not enough. The company recommends a 95% guarantee before drawing any conclusions.

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