"Rehabilitate very hard" for Van Ginkel: "I walk without a crusader for three years now"


Marco van Ginkel seems to have already ended the 2018/2019 season. The Chelsea midfielder, the last captain of the PSV championship team, must operate his cruciate ligament and must rehabilitate for at least eight months.

The 25-year-old midfielder noticed at the end of the season with his right knee. "I have been walking for three years without anterior cruciate ligament and, yes, you really need it", he says De Telegraaf . "It could be done with it, but it was getting less and less." Last year, I did not train until the end of the week. "

Van Ginkel" knew for a while that this would happen "but hoped that long rehabilitation to finally get rid of his knee problems." It'll work very hard, but that's what I'm talking about and I take the time for that, I will not rush anything. "The eight-time Orange-International still does not know where his sporting future lies." Because of these developments, I already knew that I would not be able to play any more. Eindhoven next season. "With Chelsea, I also did not talk about future sports, and I have a contract until mid-2020. First but difficult to rehabilitate" [19659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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