Researchers: no evidence of attack in the EgyptAir air disaster


The French Air Safety Council casts doubt on Egypt's findings on the air crash with the EgyptAir aircraft in 2016.

According to the research council (BEA), a fire caused the Airbus 66 people aboard the Mediterranean has collapsed.

Another conclusion

The Egyptian research committee stated after the disaster that traces of explosives had been found on the bodies of the victims. The researchers started with intention. The BEA comes to a completely different conclusion and smacks on the fingers of Egyptian researchers.

The Egyptian investigation into the disaster showed that the plane had broken down into several small parts in the middle of the air. The crew was attacked by a fire that raged near the cockpit. The staff on board was unable to control the fire


It was never clear whether the incident had been the subject of further investigation , reports the BEA, which is still waiting for a final report from Egypt. 19659005] The Airbus A320 disappeared on May 19, 2016 during a flight from Paris to Cairo. All passengers on MS804 were killed.


RTL News

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