Ribbon for fashion designers Viktor & Rolf


Fashion designers known for years, they have their own perfumes, designed the wedding dress for Princess Mabel and now have a ribbon: Viktor & Rolf. Today, they have been named Knights of the Dutch Lion Order.

Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren received the Royal Honor of Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam, Touria Meliani, on the occasion of a meeting marking the 25th anniversary of their fashion brand .

"Thanks to their particular conception of design, their works have become collector's items," said the city of Amsterdam. The municipality also reports that they are paying attention to the new generation through master classes. Talent contest European Salon of Young Stylists in Paris at all prices.

Their work, often with a characteristic arch, is not limited to the bridge. He has also exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Their creations were briefly available to the general public in 2006, when they made a collection for H & M

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