Robben relieved after the 'precious points' Bayern vs. AEK in the Ajax Group | Now


Arjen Robben is relieved to see that he plays well with Bayern Munich in the group with Ajax after the first three rounds of the Champions League. The & # 39; Rekordmeister & # 39; was 0-2 too strong for AEK Athens Tuesday night.

Bayern is going through a difficult phase and has not convinced Greece, but won it. The best German club and Ajax thus have seven points at the top of Group E.

"We used our chances in the second half, these are valuable points," said Robben, who previously played with Bayern (1-1) against Ajax. and played against AEK throughout the match.

"If you lose, you just have to stay calm and win a series in which we win all the matches until the winter break, when the world will find Bayern again."

"The conditions were difficult "

At AEK-Bayern, which had started more than two hours earlier than Ajax-Benfica, the game had been decided in a short time. After more than an hour, Javier Martínez scored and two minutes later, Robert Lewandowski was shown very accurate.

Bayern has struggled in Athens because of a bad pitch. "The conditions were tough, but that should not be an excuse, we played well before half-time, but we were not precise enough, we did not have the final pass," Robben said.

"This left a real danger.The coach that the AEK would get tired automatically and that it happened, despite that, we had not played well in the second half. opening made everything easier. "Kovac acknowledged that his team could have played better, but also pointed out that a win is now the most important. "We played well and were dominant, you do not win just 4-0 or 5-0 in Athens," according to Kroaat

"The Greek teams are still playing very defensively and compactly. in the second half, but then we got it back in. I'm satisfied, many teams are struggling to survive here. "

Behind Ajax and Bayern, who both scored seven points in the first three games, Benfica follows with three points. AEK has lost all matches so far.

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