Robber Robinson Expedition: "I was able to take my revenge on the manufacturers" Now


Known and unknown Dutchmen try to survive in Robinson Expedition on an uninhabited island. Every week, someone comes home, disappointed. speaks every week with the dropper. This Week: Johnny Junior Kraaijkamp

No Island Board For Junior Johnny Kraaijkamp (64): The actor had to bid farewell to the match after a literally sleepless night during which he was made a competition with Nienke Plas, who could hold a balloon for a very long time.

Kraaijkamp, ​​finally, let the ball roll to the ground first after a five-hour battle.

You lose the game and have to leave. What happens then?

"You must imagine that there were more than twenty people around us who, like us, nodded for over five hours, which was of course a part of my revenge: Guantanamo Bay shows what you experienced when expedition I wanted the creators to really feel. "

" The strangest thing was the final departure, you go to a resort far enough away, you do not immediately find yourself in the crowd, but Corry Konings, Sandra Spreij and I went back together and had to get used to it again when we saw the crowds in the city, in Asian cities. is the chaos in public transport, which is always a bit scary and now certain, not that I was a shy deer, but I spent three weeks on a desert island, but I 'm just a bit shy. have already passed 64 years old on this planet, I I was a little hungry d. "

" Back in the Netherlands, I had a good meal at a fish restaurant. You might think I could not see any more shells, but I liked oysters, cockles and even a crab a lot. I also cleaned them completely. "(Kraaijkamp Jr. And Konings caught a crab together on the island they cooked, Ed.)

What do you think is the reason you are lying down? [19659003] "It was really a decision. During these hours, we had plenty of time to think and I came to the conclusion that I could not go through it any more. Suppose I won this fight from Nienke, so I finish in a much less glorious way. I really doubted that I want to continue: I found myself in a place with all the young people who want to play the game sneaky and I would have probably been the victim of age discrimination, with a difficult word to name a few. . "

" After the merger, there is no longer any question of your strength or your quality in the games. Then he suddenly begins to forge conspiracies, to eliminate others as soon as possible. I am happy to have been able to stay out of the game. "

What did you want to do differently afterwards?

" I do not believe not. I regret nothing. I gave it to Nienke so that she could pass, she deserved it and still had a lot in it. And I'm happy to have shown people that aging is not a handicap. Do it to me, so many days on such an island. I think that the elderly are only more human, that we evolve in others. I like the fact that I was able to contribute to a more positive image of older people, with Corry. I am happy that they kept us in the dark, on the island of the devil, and that we were able to live beautiful moments. I'm proud: my participation was definitely not for bacon and beans. "

Who surprised you during your participation?

" Stijn Fransen, my fellow actor. It's a little girl, but she's incredibly tough and fanatical. She has a normal mind, healthy and also a good character. I would really like that she wins. "

Who will be the next episode?

" If they are wise, they all agree with Laurie (Scheerder, unknown Dutchman, ed.). "The white witch" is also called her. She thinks everyone is against her, that everyone wants to work against her, so she makes plans to save herself. She clearly thinks that she is very smart, but she forgets that the camera sees everything. People just want to say that it's a strategic game, but not very friendly. "

Who do you think is the strongest right now?

" The boy who is now alone Robin (Bakker, unknown Dutchman, ed.), Who will make a great job, is on the finalist island. These foreigners are fanatics of blood, piece by piece. Robin may not be the strongest strategically, but certainly in the tests. And he is good in the group. "

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