Roglic does not rule out the Tour victory despite his delay on Thomas NOW


"I'm still fighting for the best, you do not know what's going on," Roglic told us Wednesday after the ultra-short stage of the Pyrenees

The Lotto-Jumbo rider finished fourth in the seventeenth step. of course Chris Froome. In the overall standings, he is now 16 seconds behind the winner of the Tour four times

"It's hard to judge him," he said of Froome. "It unloads and closes, but in the end I was able to catch it for a few seconds."


Roglic tried to get away in the final on the last climb, but finally gave Geraint 5 seconds. Thomas. In the standings, his delay on the British is 2 minutes and 47 seconds. "Such an attack was not really planned, but I had to try something."

On Friday, the last mountain stage of the Tour is on the program and a day later an individual 31 kilometer time trial follows, in which Roglic the difference with the competition wants to reduce. "But first there is just one round tomorrow, I prefer to see him day by day."

Then the peloton will have a practically flat stage on 171 kilometers from Trie-sur-Baïse to Pau. Normally, this round will not result in any major differences in the top rankings.


Unlike Roglic, Merijn Zeeman is already looking forward to the next few days. "Friday and Saturday everything is still possible, a place on the podium would be a dream", according to the sports director Lotto-Jumbo

Zeeman is impressed by the performance of the 28-year-old rider, who participates for the first time the best places in a big tower. "He is doing very well, and it will be an interesting duel in the Tour in the years to come."

He thinks it will be difficult for Roglic to take Thomas out of the yellow jersey. "Geraint Thomas has shown no sign of weakness today, he has also surprised me."

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