Rolls-Royce hopes to have a flying cab in a few years


The car and aircraft engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce expects to be able to put on the market a flying taxi within a few years. If all is successful, four to five people can be transported at the same time.

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800 kilometers per hour

Planes can take off vertically and fly at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour. There is still a big "but": Rolls-Royce is still looking for "strategic partners" to build the plane together. However, the company expects to have completed the vehicle early or in the middle of the next decade.

Rolls-Royce writes that developing the model is part of the strategy to be a champion of electrification, but the vehicle still relies on old technology. The electricity is produced by a helicopter engine that uses the company for half a century, which simply works with kerosene.

Multiple Options

According to Rolls-Royce, the Intermediate Way Between an Aircraft and a Helicopter Should Offer a Solution

In order to increase the commercial chances of the vehicle, Roll-Royce says that it There are several possible applications: private use, public transport, freight transport and the company also sees possibilities for military applications

. air

Rolls-Royce is certainly not the only company that focuses on the development of flying (electric) taxis. Large companies like Uber and Airbus are also busy.

Nevertheless, there are many bears on the road. Flying, especially in the Netherlands, is not allowed in many places. Another problem for electric aviation is that batteries can provide much less energy per kilo than kerosene, said Joris Melkert, aeronautics expert at TU Delft, before RTL Z. Rolls-Royce n & # There is no problem with the hybrid system.


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