Rolls-Royce works on a flying taxi


The Rolls-Royce aircraft engine builder designed an engine for a flying taxi. The British company is looking for partners for the commissioning of the "Electric Takeoff and Landing Vehicle" (EVTOL) in a few years.

The EVTOL shall be able to carry up to five people over distances of up to 800 kilometers and with speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour. Rolls-Royce's design will be demonstrated next week at the Farnborough Air Show, southwest London

The company wants to develop EVTOL with an aircraft manufacturer. Rolls-Royce used its own M250 gas turbine for the flying cab engine. This generates power to drive "silently" six electric propellers

No battery

The advantage of a gas turbine is that no battery is needed. 39, be recharged. Therefore, the flying taxi can use the existing infrastructure, such as helicopters and airports.

Rolls-Royce is the second largest aircraft engine manufacturer in the world. The company also manufactures ship engines, engines for energy companies and nuclear orders for submarines. This has nothing to do with the car maker Rolls-Royce, which is part of the BMW group.

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