Room wants research on the slow increase in AOW Age Now


The Cabinet must determine if the retirement age in the state can further increase with a life expectancy starting in 2022. The coalition parties CDA, VVD, D66 and ChristenUnie, as well as the opposition parties GroenLinks, PvdA and SGP, have agreed on this point during a debate. pension deal missed Tuesday night.

The vast majority of Parliament asks the government to consider what constitutes a "reasonable relationship" between the number of years worked and the number of years of retirement, taking into account the health employees and the financial capacity of the government.

It was agreed to raise the minimum age of membership to 67 years and to establish an individual link with life expectancy. This means that employees have to work one more year if the Dutch live an average of one more year.

On this basis, the statutory retirement age is set at 67 years and three months in 2024, but parties now question this link.

The debate focused mainly on the failure of an agreement on pensions

. debate that focused mainly on the failure of the pension agreement last week. Employees and employers have been negotiating for seven years in vain to change the pension plan for which they have saved. Although the AOW is paid by the government, the state pension was included in the discussion.

The House discussed this with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Wouter Koolmees (Social Affairs) about the failed talks. Cabinet members have been negotiating with the social partners in recent weeks.

There is no clear picture of what needs to be done now. "There is no agreement on pensions, so what is next ?" Asked Rutte the leader of GroenLinks, Reutte, after five hours of debate.

The absence of a new pension system in 2020 and 2021 could mean that ten Millions of pensions are being reduced.

Klaver had no answer because there was no clear path and Koolmees and Rutte only wanted to know where things were going badly in their eyes. "We were almost out," said Rutte. between employees and employers, "said Koolmees, the official position is that the Cabinet is considering the next steps.

The consultation collapses, increasing the retirement age in The State

Last week on Tuesday, the consultation between employees and employers to conclude a pension agreement, especially the FNV, by far the largest union, were accused at the last minute to have additional requirements.

The link between age of retirement and life expectancy .ng was one of these requirements.For the union, it is essential that employees exercising heavy occupations

Although Rutte understands this desire, he can not finance it.The costs amount to about six billion euros.Every year again. "You can not ask for such a sum to a sitting cabinet. This is not democratic, "said the Prime Minister.

On a number of other important points, the unions and cabinet agreed, for example, that the legal age of the retirement would only rise to 67 years instead of 2021 in 2024. The Cabinet is willing to reduce the fine for pre-pension and even cancel it for a year.

These commitments were needed in the hope that the pension system could be renewed.The current system no longer fits this job market with more and more zzp Employees and employees who change employers more often

The Great Chickadee warns that seniors are angry because their pensions have not been indexed for years, adding that more and more young people do not want to participate, fearing they will be released soon. there is more money in the pot, support for a responsible youth system and seniors threatening to disappear, according to the minister.

No Support for Compulsory Pension for the Self-Employed [19659006] Klaver asks for more attention regarding mandatory retirement savings for the 1.6 million self-employed. Employers, who have to spend the premiums, and the employees do not agree. "We want to force employers to pay premiums to the people who employ them," said the leader of GroenLinks.

The coalition and the cabinet see nothing in such an obligation, they want to make an independent pension more attractive. and seduce people to participate.

Lodewijk Asscher, a PvdA leader, was particularly disappointed with the amount the Cabinet had available for a new pension system. The firm had put 7 billion euros on the table for the next fifteen years, but only 200 million euros were of a structural nature.

The Labor Party leader urged the government to return to the bargaining table with a larger sack of money. The head of the PS, Lilian Marijnissen, also felt that the government had offered too little, but party leaders have not heard.

The VVD refers to an agreement without unions

The VVD had the idea of ​​concluding a pension agreement without the employee organizations. "It's hard for me to say that there are pension negotiations by unions representing only a few percent of the workers," said Roald van der Linde, member of parliament of the VVD.

This has caused trouble in some opposition parties. "The unions have more members than all the political parties combined," said Marijnissen.

But Van der Linde maintained his position that the unions had too much power given the limited supporters. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), 1.7 million people were members of a union last year, the lowest number measured since the early 1990s.

VVD's contribution & # 39; it was quite remarkable that Rutte received little approval. The Prime Minister has recognized the importance of the trade union movement. He also contests that unions negotiate on behalf of too few people. "About 70 percent of employees can end up in the collective agreement of the so-called unrepresented union."

"The offer is still there"

All parties were present at a price close. the House sometimes: the fact of not concluding a pension agreement is a missed opportunity.

"The candidacy is still there," Koolmees told D66 if the government was ready to continue talking. "There is a call, my phone is almost always on," according to the minister.

He took a positive look at the public gallery where Tuur Elzinga (FNV vice-president), Arend van Wijngaarden (acting president of CNV) and Nic Holstein (president of VCP) followed the debate.

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