Rumor: The next Xbox also comes as a cloud game service – Gaming – News


The following Xbox console does not only come in the form of a standard console with hardware for running calculations locally, but also in the form of a box where games are widely distributed from the servers Microsoft.

therefore involves two different consoles. The non-regular version of the Xbox, which does not have hardware to run games locally, should work with Microsoft's future game streaming service, reports the site of a well-known Microsoft disciple, Paul Thurrott. . [19659002] The latency that sometimes occurs when using cloud services can negatively affect the gaming experience, but Microsoft would have a solution for that, at least for parts of the game in which latency can be a problem. The delay might even be less than normal, namely if the cloud game service is physically close, for example, to the central Azure server for the multiplayer game.

The locker will always contain material to perform certain calculations to carry. This involves the processing of input from the controller, image processing and collision detection . So, on this model of the new Xbox console, some of the games run locally, the rest being filled by the stream from a Microsoft datacenter.

Earlier, there was already a rumor that both models in 2020 and that the project is codenamed Scarlett. The development of the model for streaming would be further than that of the regular Xbox. From this regular release, no specification is still known, but there would be no difference between the two models in terms of supply and support of available games.

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