Russian trolls on Twitter: a constant game of cat and mouse


That Twitter be in his stomach with the accounts, it's clear. In May, the company announced that it would reduce the visibility of the trolls. Based on behavior, accounts that meet certain requirements will, so to speak, be hidden. He needs to make sure that qualitative tweets become more visible in conversations and in search results. In addition, the platform has recently confirmed to the Washington Post that it has collected 70 million accounts in May and June

. Last Friday, Twitter also started with a big clean up of locked accounts. These are accounts that have shown suspicious behavior and whose owner has not called on Twitter for the profile to be unlocked. For Twitter, a sign that this is a fake account. These are not necessarily Russian trolls, but there are chances that they are there too.

Twitter does not take these steps for nothing: the pressure to do something against such fake accounts, which pollute the platform, takes toe. It is therefore also in the interest of the network.

Other Social Networks

The history of NRC is mainly about Twitter. But this is not the only and most important network that has been misused by trolls. Facebook – then and now the largest social platform in the world – was invariably used to spread fake news and political ads. Trolls were also active on Instagram, YouTube, Reddit and Tumblr.

In any case, it is still unclear to what extent messages on social media have had an impact. Experts have doubted the influence of messages since the US presidential elections.

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