RVD says nothing about Máxima Interior


Today, the Queen would hear the results of the tests that were done, but the RVD can not say if that happened in the meantime or what the result is. It is possible that something about the welfare of Máxima will be communicated when she will have public appearances again on the agenda, which is the case next week.

Whatever the results of investigations into possible intestinal infection, the queen of the problem must also be sufficiently recovered if she wants to be able to get back to work. She made a normal impression on the people who have spoken to her lately.

See also:

Máxima heard the results of the search. the queen is expected. His work as a UN advocate for inclusive funding and development could be at the root of his risk of intestinal infection.

As such, she travels regularly to developing countries where hygiene is not always well regulated. The chances that she will get sick on such a trip would be a little larger than during your stay in the Netherlands

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