Ryanair cabin crew stops Tuesday for closure


The cabin crew of the flyer for the Ryanair budget stops Tuesday for a period of 24 hours. Employees do not agree with the proposed closure of the Eindhoven Airport base, as jobs would be at stake.

The FNV union thinks a closure means that all cabin crew members still undergoing a trial immediately go to the streets. standing up There would also be redundancies among stewards and flight attendants who are transferred to another foreign base but can not or will not leave Eindhoven. The union estimates that 90% of regular employees participate in the strike. Ryanair announced Monday night that all scheduled flights would continue Tuesday.

No expansion

In early October, the Irish fighter plane announced the disappearance of its four planes parked at Eindhoven Airport. This does not mean that Ryanair no longer serves Eindhoven; 85% of the flights remain intact. However, this means that planes will no longer use the Netherlands as a base from 6 November. Flights to and from Eindhoven, approximately 45 per day, are provided from abroad.

The planes are to be sent to Eindhoven for an early flight, with staff stationed abroad. The 49 pilots and 98 stewards and hostesses around Eindhoven must be relocated and have the choice between Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Morocco and the Azores.

According to the fiscal society, the base is closed due to financial difficulties, such as the rise in the price of oil. Another factor is that during the night in Eindhoven, he is not allowed to fly and the company can not develop, even if it wishes.

Read also: Ryanair closes Eindhoven: revenge or necessity?

Financial compensation

The closure and the forced transfer that followed led to a lawsuit last week. Employees do not wish to move to another European site, but Ryanair indicates that the pilots have signed a mobility clause in their contract and must not complain about the transfer.

FNV Luchtvaart wants the closure to be reversed. If this proves impossible, the union is asking for financial compensation for the transferred employees. The amount of this financial compensation should be based on the individual situation of the employees and, for example, their living conditions.

Reprisals against pilots' strikes

Pilots believe that the closure is only a reprisal for previous strikes. In August, they stopped enforcing contracts concluded by local and non-Irish labor law. Ryanair has managed to absorb the outage by recruiting staff overseas, but the question is whether this is still possible for Tuesday. Ryanair says the strike is "useless" in a brief reaction.

It was also announced on Monday that Ryanair had recorded lower profits in the first six months than twelve months ago. The financial results would be disappointing due to staff shortages and strikes. As a result, many flights have been abandoned in recent months.

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