Ryanair fights passengers and staff – Opinion – DVHN.nl


Ryanair offends injured passengers who are not compensated for the recent strike and their own employees. The Cabinet is ready to attack this multinational company hard. But he does not take the road and looks at Brussels to do the dirty work.

Pilots and cabin crew travel to Barcelona, ​​Prague or Dublin, but they always come back to Eindhoven. There, they go shopping, their children go to school and pay taxes. Ryanair has decided to close the base of Eindhoven Airport as of November 5 and requires everyone to relocate at his expense in a few weeks. Otherwise, a dismissal will follow. This is not allowed, but the favorite airline of Europe works there. In the meantime, the government is doing nothing to prevent this.

Irish Contract

For years, Ryanair deliberately recruited people from one country, awarded them an Irish contract and placed them in another country. As soon as someone opened his mouth, he was threatened with transfer. And now that everyone is rebelling, Ryanair is closing the base. All so that they are not obliged to negotiate decent working conditions.

In the middle of a crisis, the low-budget business has made huge profits, mainly by cutting staff costs. Pilots had to pay for the right to work in order to qualify for legally required flying hours

You did not receive any salary in case of illness because, according to Ryanair, this does not necessarily have to be done in Ireland. Ryanair has chosen the laws that suit it best. This trick applied to society all over Europe.


The FNV terminated a court proceeding. The European Court of Justice has ruled that the terms of employment should apply to the country in which someone usually works. So, if you work in Eindhoven, you will be subject to Dutch labor law. This means that Ryanair has to be at the table with the Dutch unions if they want to close the base. The labor inspectorate must ensure the application of the law.

We are very surprised that the Minister of Infrastructure, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD), is mainly interested in Brussels. She created a "support group" with her professional colleagues to ask the European Commission what to do. Brussels is already acting while the government is slow. European Commissioners Thyssen and Bulc, Social Affairs and Transport, are perfectly clear. Local law applies. CEO Michael O 'Leary has already been called to Brussels, Brussels.

The government can not let Ryanair get away with it. Van Nieuwenhuizen must appeal to his colleague, Minister Wouter Koolmees (Social Affairs, D66). It is time that, after his Belgian and German colleagues, he asks Ryanair to comply with Dutch law. And rap a bit, so before the closure of the base in Eindhoven, the staff is in the cold and the bird is flown.

Agnes Jongerius is the European deputy of the PvdA; Leen van der List is project manager at FNV Luchtvaart.

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