"Sad Queen during the visit" | Entertainment


The dog, named Whisper, had adopted them from his gamekeeper after the death of the man. The creature walked around the palace for years, but became ill a few weeks ago. Last week, the vet was brought. Whisper died shortly before the arrival of Willem-Alexander at Buckingham Palace.

"He followed her from room to room," said an employee of the royal family. "It was a very friendly animal and the staff loved it." It is therefore not surprising that Queen Elizabeth is always sad during the visit of the King Willem-Alexander and the Queen Máxima . "She is still very upset when one of her dogs dies.This was no different for Whisper."

The Queen had just decided that she would no longer create new puppies to bring back to home, because she fears with 92 years of not surviving animals. She is now two – less iconic – dorgi, crossing a corgi and a dachshund.

Corgi were emblematic because the British queen already raised these dogs all her life and had more than 30 in all. There were always five or six people around the palace and the animals were often present on pictures or videos of official events and state visits. "The palace will no longer be the same without the dogs running, says the insider.

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