Sam dies after eating a snail


It was a joke during a drunken evening with friends that the Australian Sam Ballard had ended up being fatal.

Sam was having a drink in the garden with a group of boys during a disaster in 2010 when a passage of a snail passed. "Who dares to eat it?" Sam dared. The talented rugby player from Sydney loved jokes.

A few days later, the 19-year-old boy had sore legs. The doctors quickly understood what was happening. He was infected with the rat lungworm, a parasite that occurs mainly in the rat. In very rare cases, snails are also infected when they eat rat droppings.

Sam contracted meningitis. Most of them healed, but Sam went into a coma. When he woke up 420 days later, his life had changed forever. He was paralyzed by his arms and legs, could no longer talk and continued to have seizures.

After three years in the hospital, he returned home, but he needed help all day. His friends and family continued to support him and raise funds for medical assistance under the name "Team Ballard".

That did not help. It did not work well with Sam. He died at 28 years old. His last words? "Mom, I love you."

 Sam is photographed with his rugby friends after being paralyzed by the virus.

Source (s): The Sun .

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