'Samsung Galaxy S10 gets an ultrasound scanner behind the screen & # 39;


Will we be able to see an innovative Galaxy S smartphone in 2019?

Of course, the Galaxy S9 is a great device. Unfortunately, the innovations compared to the Galaxy S8 are minimal, while Samsung has asked us to pay the main price for its device at the beginning. By 2019, however, the Galaxy S10 must have at least one particularly innovative feature.

The well-known analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that Samsung's flagship will be equipped with an ultrasonic fingerprint reader behind the screen. When the use puts his finger on the screen, the ultrasonic sound used reflects the fingerprint to read.

According to Chi Kuo, the number of smartphones with this scanner can reach 60 million. The Galaxy Note 10 and the most expensive Galaxy A variant are also eligible to implement this ultrasonic technique next year. We will have to be patient for a while.

According to Ice Universe, Samsung would not see the "bad" drive. fingerprints behind the screen, where, among other things, the new Vivo Nex uses. Why we do not know exactly, but according to reliable sources, Samsung could have already implemented the same technology 1 or 2 years ago in its devices, if it wanted to.

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