Scams: Black Ops servers 4 66% demoted after launch


Treyarch seems to take the PlayStation community very unprepared.

That sounds a shame for the words, but for now, the evidence is pretty clear: with the latest update of Black Ops 4, Treyarch has the refresh rate of its servers. decreased by 66%, finding a Reddit user named Smcro.

What is the tickrate?
The refresh rate, also called tickrate and expressed in Hertz, indicates to a server how often per second a server update to the second is performed. the client is sent. The higher the tickrate, the greater the number of packet information (ticks) received by a player during playback is smooth and the more the experience is fluid.

To make this more tangible, just think of the last shooter you played. If you shoot a person and the person does not seem to be hit by the bullets, there may be a slight delay between your order and the update of your victim's client. The same goes for, for example, dying behind the blanket or not seeing someone shoot and then die. In summary, the tickrate is very important.

The developer Treyarch does not seem to agree, because the servers of the PlayStation 4 variant of the game to exceptional success have gone from 60Hz to 20Hz. This is an absurd drop of about 66% of the tickrate and also quite absurd in the video game industry; most console servers run at 30 Hz, while large PC games work primarily with 60 Hz servers.

Currently, the Black Ops 4 Mutliplayer console servers were also at 60 Hz , about as optimum and maximum as possible. fencers because client hardware performance is often a bottleneck that prevents higher server performance. A high tickrate is so nice in a game without a single player. The same Reddit user also tested the tickrate during the beta version of the game and concluded that the 60Hz servers had been used for the first time.

This does not apply to the set of Black Ops 4 because the leading server performance -meter in the game industry, called Battle (no) sense, has already concluded that the tickrate in Battle Royale mode was Blackout to moan during the beta. Admittedly, so many players in the same gaming world are always difficult for the network and Fortnite and PUBG competitors have been slow to solve this problem.

In the video below, he explains the fine, but the conclusion is this: Although the multiplayer mode went well at 60Hz, Blackout servers have sometimes dropped to 10Hz. Only when a large part of the players were dead, the refresh rate became slightly more acceptable.

Treyarch's reaction remains unknown
Meanwhile, Treyarch has not said anything publicly about the absurd demotion (or the low initial performance of Blackout on the server) , which can indicate two things. On the one hand, it can be a bug that Treyarch himself has not yet discovered. If this is the case, some programmers must be fired because it is a serious problem that it is impossible to solve by accident.

Another explanation is perhaps less interesting for the developer, but it is not the case. . Would Treyarch have taken the downgrade to save money? Hiring and maintaining servers at 60Hz is, after all, much more expensive than "sparse" 20Hz servers. Because 60Hz requires a lot more bandwidth than a low performance server.

If that's the case, timing is a deadly sin for the manufacturers of the Black Ops franchise. They guaranteed good performance with strong servers during the beta and the first week after the release. This resulted in favorable reviews and a lot of money in the drawer. Now that they are inside, they are looking to save money and sew the player.

In short, a very bad thing for Treyarch and, depending on their explanation, this will have great consequences for the franchise. Ah, I do not think, people keep playing this game. Incidentally, it's unclear if the same scam sample was also applied to the Xbox version and the PC version of the game. We'll keep you informed .

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