Seagull wants to grab fries, but the man kills the animal


  Seagull wants to catch fries, but man kills the animal


Photo: Shutterstock

A seagull in the British seaside resort Weston-super-Mare ended abruptly. When the bird tried to pick up a flea of ​​a man on a terrace, he had badly judged his competitor. After all, the man in question became so ferocious that he put the animal to death on the spot.

As soon as the seagull put its beak in the fries, the sixties began to action. He grabbed the bird by the legs and slammed the animal against the wall next to his table.

Other guests on the terrace looked terrified and many children immediately started crying. When adults became angry with the story of the man, he only became more aggressive. "It's vermin, you have to teach your kids the pests," he says simply, writes the Evening Standard.

To make matters worse, the seagull did not immediately die, and the bird had to suffer for a while. It was only when the vet was on the spot that the animal was released from its sufferings. At that time, the perpetrator was gone for a long time.

The local police are now looking for the sixties with their pink shorts and checkered shirt. "It's shocking and unacceptable, it must have been a terrible sight for all witnesses.We want to speak a word with the aggressive," according to the Weston-super-Mare Police.

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