See March tonight at the naked eye Interior


The distance is 57.6 million kilometers, not really "close". But it's relative. the distance can reach 401 million kilometers. In 2003, the planet was even closer with 55.7 kilometers, but we will not experience it anymore in the next two hundred years.

It's like Friday, hoping for some clouds. In a clear sky, we can admire Mars from around 10:45 pm; the planet then seems about 73% larger than normal. Even after midnight March would still be visible, especially around 1:30 in the morning. You have the greatest chance of good visibility in an open space; in the city the view is limited by lighting.

Mars also remains reasonably visible in the coming weeks. The planet, a point in the sky, is very clear and recognizable by its orange-red color

The next time Mars will be relatively close to Earth, it is in October 2020. So the planet is at 62, 1 million kilometers removed from us.

Is it cloudy or do you not see Mars himself? NASA comes with a livestream from Los Angeles.

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Half of the Netherlands, but these people saw the blood moon

See also:

Liquid water on Mars found

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