Independent Research
Earlier in the day, the Bruins announced the opening of an independent investigation into the bankruptcies of the hospitals MC Slotervaart and MC IJsselmeer.
The goal is "to be able to draw lessons for the future, so that such a situation can not do more," writes the minister in a letter to the Lower House [19659003TheBruinsalsowanttoknowiftherehasbeen"unduefinancialconstruction"AttheendofNovemberhewillexplaininmoredetailtheresearchplanandthenameoftheresearchofficer
Bruins confirms in his letter that his basic principle is that the basic care, emergency care and obstetric care of Lelystad are maintained. He also told that to the candidates for the takeover.
"I have indicated that where there are financial bottlenecks in emergency obstetrics and acute care, I am ready to put financial resources in. provision, "says Bruins.
This afternoon, the Bruins MPs received critical questions from the House. They wondered if he had responded early enough and sufficiently energetically to the financial problems faced in the MC group hospitals. In two weeks, a second parliamentary debate with the Bruins will be held on hospitals that went bankrupt last month.
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